Sample of our 2023-24 NBA betting picks

Our premium NBA predictions and picks are driven by computer models that analyze millions of data points.

We use a variety of statistical techniques to predict games, including decision trees, similarity scores, and power ratings.

We publish a game winner, point spread, over/under and money line value pick for all NBA games, plus win odds for each pick.

Finally, we provide full transparency with our prediction accuracy reports, which track our historical pick performance.

If you're curious how our models work or you have questions about the data below, you can learn more.

Day Status TR Pick Game Confidence Odds Similar Games Decision Tree
5/14 Right 518 Under 218.0 Indiana at New York 54.0% Under 54.0% Under 54.2%
5/14 Wrong 520 Under 205.5 Minnesota at Denver 53.4% Under 58.2% Under 53.6%